Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Peer Assessment Task - Written by Group 16

History of the music video:
We feel that the presentation is very clear and straight to the point and makes some good points and ideas about both music videos. However, we feel it could be a bit more detailed and in depth about some of the points to explain why you thought this and the effect it created.

Magazine advert for album:
The OK Go magazine advert we thought was very creative and would definitely work in a magazine as it would catch your eye and draw your attention to what it was promoting. The imaginative style of the advert looks very professional and suits the genre of the song.

Goodwin Analysis:
From reading your analysis we can see that you have worked hard on this task and have definitely fulfilled the requirement to be detailed in your response and ideas. The use of technical media language is very good, and covers a lot of points regarding different elements in the videos. The way in which the analysis has been written is very easy to understand and gives us a clear over view of what was good and bad in the videos without seeing it before.

Individual Posts:
From the one individual post we read we think that it was written very well using a lot of media terminology to back up the points made. This post gave a very thorough analysis and was explained very well throughout. The videos chosen to analyse were also very good examples to use as they were of similar genre and had lots of elements to talk about under each category of Cinematography, Editing, Mise en Scene and Sound.

Auteur analysis:
The analysis of both of these videos was clear and detailed and presented good points with evidence to back them up. We really liked how you had summarised your ideas at the end bringing all the points together and giving us an overall idea about the videos and their features. Embedding both of the links to your post also helped to back up your points and explain why you thought what you did.

Analysis of 2 abstract videos:
In your analysis for the Florence and the machine video you make good clear points however, you could have been more detailed in your explanation in order to back up your points and ideas. Your analysis of Paranoid Android - Radiohead is more detailed but isn't laid out as well as the first one in the separate categories. We think it would be easier to read smoothly if both posts were laid out the same. This would also help when comparing the two videos. 

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